Beware This Cult!

Chapter 2 - Goals of a Seventh-day Adventist

By Gregory G. P. Hunt, M.D., B.Sc., F.R.C.P.

Perhaps you aren't acquainted with any Adventists.  Perhaps you have had casual contacts with friends or acquaintances.   Maybe you have been approached directly for some donations or have been invited to attend one of their crusades.  Perhaps you have a close relative or even a spouse involved in the group and you are bewildered.  It makes life more and more intolerable for you.  Whatever your case you can be expected to be in contact with a Seventh Day Adventist in the near future.  They are a rapidly growing denomination and their influence is becoming stronger daily.  You may class them with organizations such as the Salvation Army, the Red Cross, Y.M.C.A. or other such benevolent groups.  You may be convinced that they are doing a lot of good.  This may in part be true but the amount of harm being done is inestimable.

A Seventh Day Adventist's purported goal is to warn the world of Jesus' second coming and convert everyone to Christianity.  This goal is held by many Christians and certainly is a noble cause of which I would like to be a part.  However, higher on the priority list is the desire to get you into the Seventh Day Adventist Church.  After all, the more members coming into the church, the more an Adventist becomes convinced that he is teaching the truth and serving the purpose for which God has called him.  It becomes much easier to live with delusions the more other people there are to share them with.  There is great emotional gratification in converting someone to your way of thinking and feeling that you have saved their soul.  It gives a feeling of being intoxicated with power.

Of course converting the whole world is going to take a lot of money and resources.  If you have joined the Adventist church you will be contributing to the coffers and obviously the more money available the more power can be wielded.

Most converts to Adventism will have suffered a considerable amount of persecution and shunning from other people.  Although this is purported to be painful, it is never the less quite welcome.  It reinforces the delusion that he is in fact following the correct path.  After all, aren't Christians supposed to be persecuted?  As one sees more people joining their ranks this sense of persecution becomes more tolerable and there is a sense of bliss at having suffered such atrocities in the name of God.  All this tends to reinforce and bolster the basic delusions which at this point have complete control over the individual.  This produces a drastic change in behavior and lifestyle.  Emotions of course run rampant as one ardent follower embraces another relative or dear friends who has decided to join him in his deluded state.

Some Adventists are serious about their theology and nothing short of a miracle will change their delusions.  Many others however are just in the church for social reasons or to keep someone else happy.   These lesser crusaders of course would be quite happy for you to join their church family.  It relieves their sense of guilt somewhat in going against their own conscience and going along with things they know to be a mockery and an affront to God.   If you are an esteemed member of the community you are even more welcome.  You have more money to add to the coffers and your personal influence will add to the prestige of their church.

A few, and I would stress mighty few, Adventists are deeply concerned about your well being and your destiny.  They are truly hopeful that you will obtain eternal life and the peace and happiness that can be obtained only through Jesus Christ.  I commend this rare species of person within the Seventh Day Adventist Church as they are honest people.  I do expect that my evidence will have a profound effect on their future.

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